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A Terra Indígena Yanomamique cobre 9. Conta-se que foram criados a partir da espuma do sangue de um tribo de ancestrais Yanomami levado por uma enchente após a quebra de um resguardo menstrual e devorado por jacarés e ariranhas. A língua emaranhada dos forasteiros lhes foi transmitida pelo zumbido de Remori, o antepassado mítico do marimbondo comum nas praias dos grandes rios. Primeiros contatos Até o final do século XIX, os Yanomami mantinham contato apenas com outros grupos indígenas vizinhos.

A entrevista semiestruturada produziu narrativas que foram gravadas e transcritas. Abstract: This writing aims to analyze the perception of women with extensive dental losses under the gaze of buccality. The survey was conducted with women with extensive tooth loss in a small town in the state of Santa Catarina. The semi-structured interview produced narratives were recorded and transcribed. After collecting the data, we carried out the analysis of the information found in order to interpret the data obtained during the investigation. Organized and systematized dia resulted in six thematic categories: socioeconomic condition, social representation of dental prosthesis, odontological practice, suffering and pain, consequences and limitations, gender. Some perceptions are well marked in the studied group, such as extracting teeth to put dental prosthesis was considered a cause for joy for some interviewees; the prostheses were coveted because they provide beautiful teeth. Another important finding refers to the extraction of healthy teeth, only for women, in preparation for marriage. Saiba como se livrar desse ranço Haitian boys in sand quarries: Working and thinking about the future.

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