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As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram audiogravadas, transcritas, analisadas vertical e horizontalmente. Abstract This exploratory study had as an objective investigating the conceptions of psychologists that act in the judiciary about adoption by same-sex couples. The semi structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, vertically and horizontally analyzed and categorized. Found categories: professional formation; comprehension about adoption; contact with processes of adoption by same-sex couples; perspectives about adoption by same-sex couples and the role of Psychology in this context. Three of the participants had already gotten in touch with those adoption processes. The main difficulties were the lack of knowledge and the prejudice that permeates the judiciary system in Brazil. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas y analizadas. Categorías: formación profesional; comprensión sobre la adopción; contacto con procesos de adopción por parejas del mismo sexo; perspectivas sobre la adopción por parejas del mismo sexo y la actuación de la Psicología en este contexto.

Ressaltaram-se as experiências como positivas nas atuações e intervenções seguintes. According to the professionals, the demand of this group is increasing, however, many applicants still present themselves without their partners, out of fear or unawareness that joint adoption is possible. The accepted cases were from couples who shared the parental project and owned a favorable support network, while the rejected ones referred, above all, to those who insisted on keeping their sexual orientation or their partner a secret, and when there was no applicants-child adaptation. The experiences were emphasized as positives in the following interventions.

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