Diversidade sexual na educação: problematizações sobre a homofobia nas escolas

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ISBN p. Direitos Humanos. Diversidade Sexual. Rogério Diniz Junqueira.

Uberaba - Minas Gerais, Brasil. Palavras-chave: Infertilidade; Casamento; Cônjuges. Regarding the sphere of the couple, this is a situation that can affect both spouses and operates in marital satisfaction. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to know how the conjugality is affected by the female infertility from the national and international scientific production. It is a predominantly international production, with a quantitative approach. The guiding question that led to the present revision was answered, so that it was found that infertility transforms the conjugal relationship, most often negatively, which has no direct influence of the female factor as cause. In contrast, the search for treatment is shown as an aspect of cohesion between the couple, which strengthens itself in pursuit of a common goal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop actions that aim at improving the marital and sexual quality of life of couples who are undergoing diagnosis and treatment for infertility. En cuanto a la esfera de la pareja, se trata de una situación que puede afectar a ambos cónyuges y opera en la satisfacción conyugal.

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