O dano moral na relação de trabalho: uma abordagem jurisprudencial

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In this paper, some variables for the evaluation of marriage's quality are listed. The variables considered were: 1 the reasons for the beginning of the relationship; 2 the history of relationships of each one involved; 3 the financial aspects; 4 the age and cultural differences; 5 the intimacy; 6 the sexual practices; 7 the interaction patterns between the couple; 8 the other reinforcements sources; 9 the betrayal impacts; 10 the diseases effects; 11 the decisions concerning kids; 12 the plans for life and 13 divorcing aspects. The analysis achieved can be used as a complementary material for therapists who deal with clients with relationships problems, as well as be useful for further theoretical considerations and researches about the subject. É plausível que existam tendências semelhantes no Brasil, além de outras que sejam típicas da nossa cultura nacional. Evitar o assunto pode indicar esquiva. Embora o texto verse sobre relacionamentos heterossexuais, grande parte das considerações também pode ser aplicada a relacionamentos homossexuais. Motivos do início do relacionamento O que atrai uma pessoa à outra? Por outro lado, as respostas obtidas fornecem fortes evidências do que é considerado reforçador para o cliente.

Modelos de masculinidades y femineidades se mantienen por discursos sexistas en distintos escenarios, incluyendo el contexto de la salud. La noción de una predisposición femenina a disturbios físicos y emocionales, basada en patrones sociales de fragilidad, culminó en la creación de especialidades en salud que visan a prevenir enfermedades. El masculino, permeado por nociones de resistencia y fuerza, se volvió sinónimo de cuerpo saludable, ratificando la denominación masculina y el papel político y económico de los hombres, influenciando el alejamiento de los hombres en los ciudadanos con salud. ABSTRACT: The Reflection about gender in both professional performance and teaching of the graduate courses significantly contributes to thinking new ways of instrumentalizing practices. Masculinity and femininity models keep and are kept by sexist speeches in different settings, including the health context. The notion of a female predisposition to physical and emotional disorders, based on social patterns of frailty, culminated in the creation of health specialties aimed at preventing such illness. The male, permeated by notions of resistance and strength, has become a synonymous of healthy body, reaffirming the male dominance and the political and economic role of men, influencing their distancing from the cares with health. The data confirm other research findings in the health field by indicating the gendering process of the health practices and its possible effects in the care provided.

Palavras-chave: Dano. Abstract: This search is case law concerning the doctrinal and valor damages in the employment relationship: a jurisprudential approach in the decisions of TRT4. One of the most discussed topics in our times in doctrine and jurisprudence that has been gaining ground, because this is an issue that plagues mankind. Studies by various scholars and jurists have tested the material damage can occur in the social and family life, but the research aims to address the incidence of this phenomenon in labor relations, making a study of the causes, consequences and, as a reparations to victims. Seeking the difference in valor damages in the pre-contractual, contractual and post-contract work and responsibility of the employer.

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